

Dedalus is released under the GNU General Public License. See Dedalus Project - About


The following steps describe how to build Dedalus on Isambard.

  1. Make a directory for your Dedalus build e.g.

mkdir dedalus
cd dedalus
  1. Take a copy of the install script and run it

cp /projects/exeter/dedalus/scripts/  .

The script will build a python distribution with the required packages installed and then install Dedalus itself.

  1. Test your installation with an example

mkdir test
cd test
cp /projects/exeter/dedalus/scripts/dedalus_test.pbs .

If your Dedalus installation is in ~/dedalus then you do not need to modify the job script. If your Dedalus installation is somewhere else then edit the scipt so that the my_dedlus variable points to your installation. You can now submit the test job to the queue

qsub dedalus_test.pbs